As far as summer days go, I got quite a bit accomplished. I actually cleaned my house today, I mean the real stuff and got caught up on all my laundry. We took the car to get fixed, took the kids to the petting zoo. Abby would live there, she loves to pet the goats, bunnies, horses, sheep and today they had some weird looking chickens. They have a fun playground and Abby loved taking Lauren in the wagon around the zoo. Lunch quickly followed with a stop by Kumon for an hour and then off to Barnes and Noble to pick up a present for Grandpa. Thanks to my sweet friend, Moka for showing me how to do this blog stuff, I bet she's proud that I am actually blogging my day, right. I know too much detail, but today was impressive. After she left, Noah went down for a nap, and the girls helped me make cookies for their cousin's birthday. Tony got home and took Abby for a swim and dinner at Grandma's, I bet his mom wonders if I ever cook... I loaded Lauren and Noah in the car and headed to the stake center to get my temple recommend, but there was no one there. So off to the car dealership to pick up my car, so clean and perfect. Of course, couldn't resist stopping at the mall. I returned some things and did a little school shopping for the girls. I love to shop with Lauren she is all about pink and has great taste for a three year old. Some how Noah survived the day, he is such a great baby and did I mention he has slept through the night for three days in a row. The girls didn't sleep through the night until they were at least two. Pretty sure my day tomorrow won't be as productive, but one day a week isn't too bad!!